Vybrané budovy

3 obchodní prostory

Array ( [title] => Array ( [name] => Titulek [value] => Churchill I a II [type] => varchar [id] => 530 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [title_en] => Array ( [name] => Titulek EN [value] => Churchill I and II [type] => varchar [id] => 1137 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description] => Array ( [name] => Popis [value] => Budovy CHURCHILL I & II se nachází na křižovatce ulic Seifertova a Italská s výhledem na moderní náměstí Winstona Churchilla v těsné blízkosti Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze. Každá z nich má svůj osobitý vzhled a charakter, ale i přesto skvěle fungují jako jeden celek. Špičkovou architekturu lze obdivovat nejen zvenku, ale i zevnitř. Protože právě uvnitř budov objevíme jedno z jejich největších lákadel – flexibilně uspořádané vnitřní prostory, které se snadno dokážou přizpůsobit potřebám svých nájemců. Výjimečný design jde ruku v ruce s použitím šetrných technologií, které výrazně šetří náklady na provoz. [type] => text [id] => 536 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [description_en] => Array ( [name] => Popis EN [value] => The CHURCHILL I & II buildings are located at the intersection of Seifertova and Italská Streets overlooking the modern Winston Churchill Square in close proximity to the University of Economics in Prague. Each building has its own distinctive look and character, yet they work perfectly as a whole. The cutting-edge architecture can be admired not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Because it is inside the buildings that we discover one of their greatest attractions - flexibly arranged interior spaces that can easily adapt to the needs of their tenants. Exceptional design goes hand in hand with the use of environmentally friendly technologies that save significantly on operating costs. [type] => text [id] => 1133 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => 3000 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_from] => Array ( [name] => Cena od [value] => 24.5 [type] => number [id] => 764 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_to] => Array ( [name] => Cena do [value] => 24.5 [type] => number [id] => 763 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_note] => Array ( [name] => Poznámka k ceně [value] => [type] => varchar [id] => 539 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => pokud není uvedena cena - povinný údaj [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 100 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [advert_price_currency] => Array ( [name] => Měna [value] => EUR [type] => selectbox [id] => 525 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 3 ) [total_area_from] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha od [value] => 526 [type] => number [id] => 973 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [total_area_to] => Array ( [name] => Celková plocha do [value] => 2306 [type] => number [id] => 974 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => m2 [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [commercial_person_count] => Array ( [name] => Počet osob (servisované kanceláře) [value] => [type] => number [id] => 1381 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => [max_length] => [required] => 0 [security] => 0 [flags] => ) [office_kind] => Array ( [name] => Druh prostor [value] => Kancelář [type] => selectbox [id] => 786 [multiple] => 0 [hint] => [unit] => [min_length] => 0 [max_length] => 9999 [required] => 1 [security] => 0 [flags] => [num_value] => 1 ) )
Churchill I a II

Italská 2584/69 – Praha 2

24,50 EUR
Dostupné plochy 526 - 2306 m2

Budovy CHURCHILL I & II se nachází na křižovatce ulic Seifertova a Italská s výhledem na moderní náměstí Winstona Churchilla v těsné blízkosti Vysoké školy ekonomické v Praze. Každá z nich má svůj osobitý vzhled a charakter, ale i přesto skvěle fungují jako jeden celek. Špičkovou architekturu lze obdivovat nejen zvenku, ale i zevnitř. Protože právě uvnitř budov objevíme jedno z jejich největších lákadel – flexibilně uspořádané vnitřní prostory, které se snadno dokážou přizpůsobit potřebám svých nájemců. Výjimečný design jde ruku v ruce s použitím šetrných technologií, které výrazně šetří náklady na provoz.